The Manasier's of Cary took a quick trip to Durham today to see Baseball's Team USA take on Team Korea. Despite a one hour rain delay, we had a great time and the girls got to see their very first baseball game. Unfortunately for the men on the field- and the vendors peddling their wares- the turn-out for this game was very low (I am guessing a few hundred people, IF that). Fortunate for us because we got to move our seats up much closer that we were originally seated.
We are home now. Girls and daddy are sleeping and I am about to turn in for bed myself. I was planning to post pics, but this site is being difficult! Grrrrr.
PS- US won 5-2.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Independance Day / NC Arrival
We are here in NC. Despite a rough start (car issues, food poisoning and a very long ride) we are getting settled in.
On July 4th, we went over to the Amphitheater to watch the fireworks. One of my former Pomona friends lives here, as does her family- so we went with them and had a great time. The girls have been adjusting nicely, making friends and staying busy. We went to the pool yesterday and spent around 3 hrs swimming.
Here are some pics. 
Monday, June 21, 2010
The sirens scream wanton attention.
Time to take heed and change direction.
Time to take stock and make omissions.
Evacuation. Evacuation.
Time to take leave all formal functions.
Time to plant seeds of a reconstruction.
No time this time to feign reluctance.
In a SonicNet interview, Eddie Vedder said: " The theory behind the song, which I've probably done 4 times already, is getting out of a situation. 'Rearview Mirror' might be the same song. But it's time to make a change - it's a song about change."
That being said, with our “evacuation” from NY just nine days away, I’ve decided to update the blog a bit- make a change just like Eddie says. I am planning to work again with the fabulous Nikki to give this old page a face lift- new layout, new pics of the girls. Stay tuned for some change folks...
Time to take heed and change direction.
Time to take stock and make omissions.
Evacuation. Evacuation.
Time to take leave all formal functions.
Time to plant seeds of a reconstruction.
No time this time to feign reluctance.
In a SonicNet interview, Eddie Vedder said: " The theory behind the song, which I've probably done 4 times already, is getting out of a situation. 'Rearview Mirror' might be the same song. But it's time to make a change - it's a song about change."
That being said, with our “evacuation” from NY just nine days away, I’ve decided to update the blog a bit- make a change just like Eddie says. I am planning to work again with the fabulous Nikki to give this old page a face lift- new layout, new pics of the girls. Stay tuned for some change folks...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Five Years Old
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dearest Sarah
Happy Birthday to You.
Are you 1? Are you 2? Are you 3? Are you 4? Are you 5? 5!!!!!!!
Time has certainly flown. Our beautiful china doll has grown into a lovely young girl with an amazing smile and a sweet and giving heart!
We love you lots our birthday girl!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
We are winding down from a very busy Memorial Day weekend. With only a month left until moving day, we are trying to balance both entertaining and enjoying time with the girls with trying to pack up this house.
This past Friday, the Manasier's hit the circus over in Monroe. Saturday consisted of ballet, packing and laundry. Sunday was a BBQ in Stony Point surrounded by the familia. Monday was a mixed bag- while Chris worked, the girls and I re-visited Nana in SP, followed by some Grandma in Chestnut Ridge, followed by a solo visit by me to Pottery Barn. I am officially beat.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Chris sold his car. I rented a car last weekend. We are using one car, which is getting to be quite a pain in the arse. My car is getting a tune-up, so today I have a loaner car. Tomorrow we look to buy a new car. On Monday, I rent a car again to drive to Boston on business.
How's that for sticking with a theme!!
How's that for sticking with a theme!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm Still Alive
In the words of the Prophet Eddie Vedder "I'm still alive".
It's been a while since my last post- I am just lazy I guess. Too much going on. Plus Chris and I turned 40 this year, so these old bodies don't move as quick as they did when they were 39. LOL.
Move day is tentatively June 30 with an arrival in NC July 1. Yipee!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Fulfilling a Quota
Okay- so I am not very good at keeping up with my blog. Face it, we all knew it would happen.
Here is a quick update on our homeselling. We have been listed for 3 weeks now and have had 1 realtors showing and 4 prospective buyer showings. No offers. Disappointing but not unexpected.
I am in Boston now. Suppossed to be here until tomorrow, but since the snow storm is fast approaching, Continental has already cancelled my flight home and I have already extended my stay. Chris is playing hooking tomorrow to stay home with the girls-as school is cancelled too. I am jealous- they will all have a great time.
That's it. It's now 3:22 am in Cambridge MA and I am heading back to bed. Was sleeping at 9pm- so unheard of!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A Busy Week
We are embarking on an exciting time here at the Manasier casa. We have put our house on the market in preparation for our move to NC. After a quick re-paint of our downstairs bathroom, we were good-to-go. The hardest part of these whole thing is to keep the house as-close-to-perfect-as-possible. Although we have not had a showing to-date (we have only been on the market for a few days) I know we can at any minute, and need to be on our best behavior! A bit frustrating, especially since this could go on for weeks or months! Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick sale.
Chris and I head down to NC in March to scout out some appartments. I have mapped out 7 or 8 locations, along with their respective school districts and ratings. I have also located a Montessori school that we will be visiting for Sophie as well. We are sure to have a busy yet productive visit of our soon-to-be new home state.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Team Conan

I am on Team Conan. NBC are idiots with this whole moving Jay and Conan and Jimmy around. If 10pm ain't working for Jay and the rating stink, they should just cancel him and let him "retire" like he was suppossed to do. Why move him to 11:35pm and move Conan's Tonight Show until after midnight is just silly. I like Conan more than Jay anyway. And poor Jimmy. He will have his show on when we are eating breakfast. Oy. I think they are doing to Jimmy because he is a Red Sox fan - and for that I take personal offense! Ah- I am sure the saga will unfold more over the next few weeks, especially if Conan decides to up and leave as he stated.
Other than this, I really have nothing newsworthy or witty to say today. Really, blogging daily is not working out- so I may have to revise my promise of 365 posts to maybe 52 posts (once a week). Of course I may conduct some ad-hoc blogging if needed, but boring daily blogs are not what I want to produce.
With that said, are these two girls not the most stylish and beautiful creatures you ever did see?? I love them- their smiles just melt my heart!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
An Entry About Food

Speaking of food- we are currently "sticking it" to the Cablevision by watching Iron Chef Super Chef Battle on Channel 11. During every commercial break, Bobby Flay comes out to tell all of us Cablevision viewers how thankful he is for the fans and how the entire Food Network wants to be back on Cablevision. For that reason the picture accompanying this entry is none other than the handsome Bobby Flay. (because really, Emeril and Mario are just not as hot!)
Late Post for Saturday January 9th
Jets wons. Cowboys won. Chris' car is fixed- so now I have my car back again. All is right in the world again!! Pic of the day to be added once I rummage my phone from my purse :)
Friday, January 8, 2010

When I was little, circa the mid-1970's I had a Farrah Fawcett Styling Head that resembles this one selling on eBay for $100. If I would have known this lovely item was going to fetch so much money, I would have held onto it. But alas I didn't, so odds are it wound up in some landfill somewhere, melting in the hot sun and covered in some sort of bird excrement. Oh well.
Although Farrah herself and my once treasured styling head are now gone, the idea of styling heads is still alive and well, as Sarah received an Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) Head this Christmas. Sophie seems to be very partial to it, as she plays with it much more than her sister. Lately she has also become quite protective of her.
Getting sleepy...must get some rest....Nighty night.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Just Another Day

Well we are winding down the week here at the Manasier house. Not much new to report. We are looking for realtors so we can put the house up for sale, and one of them stopped by this evening. While discussing the possible marketing of my home, my youngest decides to rip off her diaper, abandon it in the living room and sneak into the kitchen to cop-a-squat. Yup...#1 and #2. It was so lovely. The realtor laughed. Sophie laughed. I was really not that amused- more like mortified.
The picture posted tonight is of Sarah doing her homework. I did not think to grab the camera while I was picking up baby turd off my ceramic tile kitchen floor. You'll just have to imagine that one!
PS- Blackberry camera stinks. Everything has a funky yellowish haze. Bleck!
PPS- If you haven't already voted for Sophie- do it now or forever be on my sh*t list!!!! #20
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January 5th- One Day Late...Red Glove Day
I had great intentions on posting yesterday, but alas technical difficulties and shear exhaustion got the best of me.
Please note- there will be no pictures today. Why you ask? Because every camera and cell phone in this house is a piece of crap! But you may get two posts- one now and one later!!!!!
Anyway.....yesterday morning (Tuesday) I was getting the girls ready for school and I gave Sophie a pair of red gloves to wear. Sarah wore these same gloves the day before, but they seemed to be too small (even though I convinced her on Monday that they were stretchy and she would be fine with them) So Sophie is ready and Sarah sees the gloves. The drama soon unfolds...
Please note- there will be no pictures today. Why you ask? Because every camera and cell phone in this house is a piece of crap! But you may get two posts- one now and one later!!!!!
Anyway.....yesterday morning (Tuesday) I was getting the girls ready for school and I gave Sophie a pair of red gloves to wear. Sarah wore these same gloves the day before, but they seemed to be too small (even though I convinced her on Monday that they were stretchy and she would be fine with them) So Sophie is ready and Sarah sees the gloves. The drama soon unfolds...
"Those are MY gloves" says Sarah.
"Sarah they are too small so I am letting Sophie wear them." I say.
"But they fit, YOU said they were stretchy!" says Sarah
"Sarah, Sophie is already dressed to go, lets get you other gloves" I say.
With arms folded across chest and the biggest pout on her face, Sarah states " I am NOT wearing any gloves and I am NOT putting my hands in my pockets!" (humf, grunt, sigh)
"Sarah it's cold and you have to wear gloves. I think we have pink Dora gloves upstairs." I say.
"I want to see them first." replies Sarah.
Up the stairs I go, and down I come with a basket of hats and gloves to rummage through. (note- we have two such baskets. Why one is upstairs and one is downstairs is a mystery)
So I dump everything onto my stairs (there was a great picture of this mess before my Blackberry died) and I found the pink gloves with the snowflakes (not Dora- those were purple)
"Fine I will wear them, but I want to wear those gloves (pointing to the red ones) tommorrow." Sarah says.
So, I walk the girls out to the car with Chris to load them in and ship them off to school. Sophie decides to wipe down the entire side of my car with her red gloves. So I took off the now black and wet red gloves and sent Sophie to school without gloves. They are now in the hamper and no one wore them today. They wore burgundy gloves!
You can't make this stuff up!
Oh, and of course as I mentioned yesterday- today was the 4th anniversary of the day we actually saw Sarah's beautiful face for the first time, Again- time has absolutely flown by. Who would have thought that a tiny little baby sitting in an orphanage 4 years ago would be arguing with me over red gloves today! Love you Sarah!!!! (and of course Sophie too!)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy Referral Day...4 years later

Although we got the basic specs over the phone that Wednesday, we had to wait an entire day to get her file- which contained the pictures (along with her tooth count and head circumference) of our beautiful baby girl. Like an expectatant parent clutching their sonogram, we all now had something more substantial to hold-on to as we waited another two and a half month until we left for China. For many families the wait for their child had been well over a year- for us it was 17 months at referral time, so this day was, and will continue to be a milestone to celebrate.
We love you Sarah. We waited what seemed like forever for you and are thrilled that you are our daughter. XOXOXOXOX
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Girls played for a while (Sarah with her Little Pets and Sophie with the Disney Princesses pictured here) when we got home. They are now bathed, but still awake- playing up in their room while we unwind downstairs. Pretty much a great ending to an equally great weekend. My only complaint- and you know I have one- is that it's too damn cold. I feel like I am living in Antartica with the polar bears and penguins. Oy Vey!!! I think instead of NC (who is having a bit of a cold one this winter) we should move to Mexico or Brazil or some other balmy country. (Note to self- purchase Rosetta Stone- Spanish)
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chris and I went into NYC today to see "Race" - the David Mamet play starring one of our favorite actors - Mr. James Spader. This was one of my Christmas presents from my dear hubby and it was a good one! The play, which is meant to be mostly drama, did have some funny parts - however most of them included the use of the "F" word or other zingers I wouldn't dare list here on my family-friendly blog :)
The girls are staying at Nannie's today, so Chris and I will be home solo this evening. Knowing us, we will be in bed by 9pm, and somewhere in Stony Point a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old will be fighting to stay awake and watch TV. They have more energy than we "soon-to-be-40 year-olds" do!
The picture posted is the awesome chandelier that hangs in the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. If it is an original, then it's been hanging there since 1928. I hope they have dusted it a few times since then.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010

Okay - so it's been awhile. Seven months or so, give or take. Sorry- it's been busy and I haven't done a very good job of updating the blog. For 2010 - I am going to "attempt" to update it daily. (note I DID NOT say "resolve") Hopefully 365 days from today, I will have provided you with 365 glimpses into the world of the Manasier household - currently residing in Warwick, NY.
A old friend of mine and I got reconnected through Facebook not to long ago and she did the very same project last year (last entry was yesterday) Her blog chronicled 365 days in the life of her family as well. I can only hope I can keep it up and be as eloquent and entertaining as she was. Thanks Jodi for the inspiration!
The picture posted today is my living room couch. The girls have bounced on, ate on, watched TV on, played on and pretty much "lived" on this couch all morning. At the time of this picture they were upstairs playing hide and seek, and only minutes later were back down stairs looking for a snack.
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