I managed to make it into my office in NJ one day last week- just in time to pick up my brand-spanking-new laptop. I didn't realize just how antiquated my old one was until I got this new and super-fast version. The little things that bring me joy… Now I guess this means I will need to do more work now that I will be operating more efficient than ever.
Finally got a pedicure after 5 months. I do not need to tell you what a mess that was, but I, like my laptop, am now new and improved!!
Luckily Chris did not need to bounce at the bar this weekend- so he was able to get a decent night's sleep-as much as one can get with 2 kids that get up at the crack of dawn. Ever the provider, he cooked 3-4 huge meals on Sunday (yesterday) to ensure his family had warm meals for the week and will not need to exist on cold cereal alone. My hero.
Last Sunday he went and booked the restaurant for Sophie's baptism. Another item "checked-off" our long list of things to do. Red Sox are off to a good start, and Chris is looking forward to a long and successful season- right up to the playoffs and World Series.
A successful week of plain yogurt and a smooth transition to oatmeal, coupled with a slow and steady changeover of formulas provided Sophie a busy culinary experience. She is fighting off a bit of a cold and a cough -that makes her throw-up, but otherwise is awesome and happy. Her top snaggle tooth is also popping through- as I mentioned last week, so that is still a wet and slippery mess to deal with. She is moving like a crazy woman.
Video below demonstrates…………….
She rocks so hard in her bouncy seat- I am sure she will catapult herself right out. Sophie also likes to roll over and has discovered her feet.
Sarah accompanied me for a manicure this week. She shows off her bright red nails for all to see.
She also assisted me with some gardening this past weekend, and she was very helpful. I think I am going to be able to get a lot done this season now that my helper is willing and able. I am hoping she is able to power wash the patio and paint the siding as well as she was able to garden!!! Do we have child labor laws in NY???? wink-wink.

Maxwell ran away Saturday. He saw his opening and ran for the hills. Just when we thought he was gone for good, he returned. He must have had an adventurous trip, as he was panting and out of breath. Once dinner came along, he was sitting at attention waiting for his treats.

Anyway- that about sums things up for now. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

Anyway- that about sums things up for now. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.
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