Sarah and her Gao Shao Sisters are having a little book exchange. Nothing like Oprah's Book Club or anything. It's just a way for the girls to share their favorite books with one another, as well as to get an autographed version of their book back when it's return to them.
The premise is this: Everyone picks a book and sends it to the next person on their list. Once two weeks goes by, you take the book you received and send it to the next person, etc and so on. Before you mail it out, you write something in the book for the original owner. By the time your book makes it through the list of readers and back to you (5 books will have made it through 5 little Gao Shao hands) , you will now have a keepsake that has messages from 5 of your sisters.
The first book we received was sent to us by Lexi. It was "Shaoey & Dot" by Stephen & Mary Beth Chapman. Great book. Here is Sarah on our final night with it.....

OMG I love her pigtails!
thats my little picklehead!
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