Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Against My Better Judgement...

I bough Sarah light-up Disney character sneakers!!! I usually would never buy something like that for her- but she was so thrilled, I just had too.

We went shopping for shoes for me, and somehow bought for her (please note- I did not even get a shoelace!)

She walked over, picked them out, found her size, and put them on herself. She has such a grin on that I could not say no.

Here is a look-see at the new shoes.


Anyway, I am trying to get a babysitter for tomorrow for the girls so I can get out again to go shoe shopping.

Boring update, I know- but two posts in 24 hours is pretty impressive!!!

1 comment:

Terri said...

I will switch you the fashionable boots for the princess shoes!!!