Okay - so it's been awhile. Seven months or so, give or take. Sorry- it's been busy and I haven't done a very good job of updating the blog. For 2010 - I am going to "attempt" to update it daily. (note I DID NOT say "resolve") Hopefully 365 days from today, I will have provided you with 365 glimpses into the world of the Manasier household - currently residing in Warwick, NY.
A old friend of mine and I got reconnected through Facebook not to long ago and she did the very same project last year (last entry was yesterday) Her blog chronicled 365 days in the life of her family as well. I can only hope I can keep it up and be as eloquent and entertaining as she was. Thanks Jodi for the inspiration!
The picture posted today is my living room couch. The girls have bounced on, ate on, watched TV on, played on and pretty much "lived" on this couch all morning. At the time of this picture they were upstairs playing hide and seek, and only minutes later were back down stairs looking for a snack.
You are AWESOME for trying this! Good for you!
I'll keep checking in and cheering you on, just do the best you can. I love this first photo!!
Happy New Year. :)
Thanks Jodi!!
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